Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation grew out of the decision of land-owning Aboriginal people to exercise their rights to live on ancestral country in the regions surrounding Manayingkarírra / Manawukan / Maningrida.

The organisation was established as an outstation resource agency in 1970. It was incorporated in 1979. Maningrida Arts and Crafts, which had been operating under the Maningrida Progress Association, became part of the corporation at this time.

Since its inception, Bawinanga has responded to the changing needs of its members and major shifts in government policy. We have consistently constructed and maintained housing on the homelands of our land-owning members.

If you’re curious about the meaning of the name of our corporation: the word ‘bawinanga’ is a made-up one that was suggested at the time of incorporation by non-Aboriginal staff based on their inexact hearing of the names of some of the main local Aboriginal language groups. It was constructed from elements of the names: Burarra (previously spelt incorrectly as Barrada), Kuninjku and perhaps Djinang or Rembarrnga.
